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CINAHL Complete

A guide to searching the CINAHL Complete database.

EBSCOhost Mobile App

 If you have an Android or iPhone, you can use EBSCO's free mobile app to search CINAHL Complete and other EBSCO databases from your smartphone! To get started:

1. Search iTunes or Google Play for "EBSCOhost" and download the app. 

2. Log into CINAHL Complete (under Health Science on our database page), and scroll down to the bottom of the page for the iPhone and Android apps link:



Click on the link and enter your email address. Make sure it's an email address you can check on your phone:




3. Open the email on your phone and tap on the authentication code in the email to finish installing the app.

You can do everything in the app you can do online: limit your search results, search more than one database a time, open and read PDF full text articles, and more!

Chat with a Librarian

If Chat is offline, you can email questions to

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