If Chat is offline, you can email questions to reference.librarian@sjcd.edu
You can access the library catalog at libcat.sanjac.edu.
You can search for a book if you know its title, author, ISBN, or call number by changing the drop-down menu on the right. Or you can leave the drop-down on 'Keyword' and perform a keyword search. Using the drop-down box on the left, you can choose also which library location you would like to search.
The most common type of search is a keyword search. Enter a phrase like "texting" or "driving." If you have more than one keyword, connect the keywords with the word 'and' (Texting and driving).
After you've entered your keywords, click Search. You can check the checkbox for "Limit search to available items" if you only want to find results that are available for check out.
Click on a book title for more detailed information about the book.
To request this book click on the "Hold this item" button, you will be prompted for your name and student ID.
You may also find it on the shelf using the call number. If you click on the call number, you are able to browse the shelf or books nearby electronically.
If you need more assistance, watch the video below or ask a librarian. We are always happy to help!
https://www.sanjac.edu/library| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6350 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6350 ext. 3306