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Use this guide to help you find resources for your research assignment.

Research Assignment

For your research paper, you are required to use peer - reviewed articles with statistics. The best place to start looking for information is the database Academic Search Complete. You should be able to find enough articles in this database. If your topic is obscure or is specific to a certain discipline, there are other databases I can direct you to if you don't find what you're looking for in Academic Search Complete

From the
library homepage, click on Article Databases. Scroll down to Multi-Subject/General Research and click on Academic Search Complete


NOTE: You may be asked to login to use the database. If so, be sure to enter your name and g number, not your g number and password.

Because you will have different topics, your searches will look different. If my topic is the number of athletes who use steroids, the example below shows you how you should do a search. Do not type questions or your entire topic in the search box at the top. Use key words. (note: if after your type your search term in the box, you get auto-fill options, do not click on any of them. Just type your term in the box.):


When you hit enter, the results of your search will pop up.



By focusing on athletes and steroids, you will get fewer results. Each of the articles will now be about steroids and athletes rather than just steroids. Read the abstract to determine if the article will be useful.


When you click on the title of the article, it will take you the record for the article. If you have both HTML and PDF Full Text options, choose the one you prefer and read it. (HTML is text only and PDF looks like it came directly from the journal and will include any images, graphs, charts, etc.)


Websites from the internet are another place to get useful information and statistics on your topic. This is by no means a complete list of websites that will have useful information. 

You will cite your sources using either APA or MLA Citation Style. If you get your article from the databases, you can get your citation by clicking on "cite."


While this feature is handy, you should ALWAYS double check your citations!! Just because a citation is automatically generated for you does not mean it is correct.| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6150 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6150 ext. 3306