Research Guides Homepage

SPCH 1311 & 1321 | Intro to Speech Communication & Business and Professional Speech | Professor Cárdenas

A guide to help you do product research for your group persuasive project.

Product Research Using Google

For your speech using the motivated sequence on a product you want to endorse, you may want to use two Google tools for your research: Google Products and Google Patents.

You can find these Google tools by heading to Google and clicking on "more" and selecting "even more" from the menu:


Scroll down and select Patent Search or Product Search:


The interface looks very similar to the Google Web search:


You could use Google Product in order to do research on where your product is available, what the price range is for the product, and who the main manufacturers are. In this example, I've searched for 'cotton organic shirt' to see the range of products available like that:

You can also search for a specific brand and product to research the range of prices and availability.

You might find Google Patents helpful when doing your research on a product. You can search over 7 million patents to download the PDF file of the patent, research what the product claims to do, or look at diagrams of the patented product.

Google Patent looks very similar to other Google tools:


Enter your search terms. In this example, I'm searching for the Perfect Push-Up exercise equipment:









When you click on the search results you want, you can read the text of the patent online, or download the PDF version:









If you scroll down, you will also find the stated claims of the product and the schematic drawings included in the patent:







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