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French | Français: Welcome | Accueil

Use this guide to discover additional resources that will help you practice and improve your French-language skills. | Utilisez ce guide pour découvrir des ressources supplémentaires qui vous aideront à pratiquer et améliorer votre français!

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Welcome | Acceuil

Welcome to your library guide for students of French!  Learning French will open the doors to a new world -- not just the culture, literature, and history of France, but also to the many countries around the world where French is spoken daily. 

I know firsthand that studying a new language can be an exciting and challenging experience, and when you practice the skills that you learn in class, you become more confident and proficient in using the language.  Your library offers many resources that can help you to improve your French language skills, as well as learn more about the places where it is spoken and the people who live there.  The Internet has made our world so much smaller, and there are many resources online that will enhance your learning experience, as well as connect you with French speakers worldwide.  I have selected some of the best of those and included links to them in this guide.  This kind of interaction makes a language come to life, and I encourage you to explore them as much as you can.  It truly will make a difference.

This guide has several pages, each one focusing on a different category.  You will see the tabs across the top of each page -- just click on any tab to go to that page.  On the pages of this guide you can find out about books and other materials in your library, as well as find some great resources on the Internet that students of French will find very helpful.  Learn a new French word every day with the French Word of the Day app on the "What's new? | Quoi de neuf?" page, or locate some video or audio files of French-language conversations on the "Useful Web Links | Liens utiles d'internet" page.  Find out when your library is open this semester, or get directions to the other campus libraries on the "Library Hours & Contact Info | Horaires et Coordonnées" page. There are keyboard shortcuts for typing the accents and diacritics used in French on the "What's New? | Quoi de neuf?" page.  And, if you like what you find here, use the "Your Opinion Counts | Votre opinion compte" box on the right of the page to let us know what you think.

J'espère que ce guide vous sera utile, et j'espère avoir bientôt de vos nouvelles. 

Bonne chance à tous,
Gregory Snyder, bibliothécaire

Subject Guide

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John Brower
Head of Public Services

Lee Davis Library

San Jacinto College Central


Noms et adjectifs| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6150 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6150 ext. 3306