Health informatics, also known as healthcare informatics, is defined as “the integration of health-care sciences, computer science, information science, and cognitive science to assist in the management of healthcare information." More broadly, health informatics refers to the utilization of data to improve healthcare. The American Nurses Association defines Nursing Informatics (NI) as a specialization within health informatics "that integrates nursing science with multiple information and analytical sciences to identify, define, and manage and communicate data, information, knowledge and wisdom in nursing practice."
Faculty and Nursing Informatics (NI) practitioners define NI, discuss the application of NI in nursing practice and roles in the NI field. Source: Vanderbilt University School of Nursing Informatics Program| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6350 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6350 ext. 3306