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CQ Researcher (On-Campus Use Only)

In-depth reports on today's issues

Browse Topics

  1. In the menu bar under Browse By, choose a topic by clicking on the image.
  2. As in the example below, click on the Arts, Culture and Sports box if you want to see reports related to arts, culture and sports.

  1. The number of results will appear near the top.
  2. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Sort by box to make the most recent reports appear first. 
  3. A report's publication date appears below the title.

Click on an article title to read the report.

Steps 1-3 (as shown in the graphic below) reveal some useful tools:

  1. Navigation links for various sections of the report are in the On this page box.
  2. Click on the Cite button to cite the report.  Formats include APA, Chicago, and MLA.
  3. Click on the Download PDF button to download (and print) the report. 

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