Initiated by the education ministry of British Columbia, this website a collection of online textbooks, course packs, and other materials organized by subject, such as Academic/Career Success, Art and Design, Business, Health and Medical, Language Learning, and Trades.
Representing all 45 publicly-funded colleges and universities in Ontario, eCampusOntario coordinates the development and implementation of online learning technology throughout the province. The Open Library is a collection of more than 1,600 textbooks and other materials that can be downloaded for free.
In partnership with BCcampus, this website provides links to information that addresses many topics, such as getting started with open resources, copyright, and textbook adoption. Particularly useful are links to more than 300 open textbooks.| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6350 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6350 ext. 3306