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QEP - Thinking and Beyond

Creativity Techniques A to Z

Creativity Techniques A to Z provides an index of “tools and techniques for both idea generation (Creativity) and converting those ideas into reality (Innovation).”

Critical Thinking: A Student’s Introduction.

This site contains supplemental material for the McGraw Hill textbook, Critical Thinking: A Student’s Introduction. The materials are organized by chapter. Each chapter contains the following sections: Chapter Outline, Multiple Choice Quiz, True or False Quiz, Glossary, Web Links, and PowerPoints. Unfortunately, many of the web links are no longer functional; however, the chapters’ glossaries, quizzes, and PowerPoints are very useful.

Lumen Learning - Critical Thinking Skills

Lumen Learning provides Open Educational Resources (OERs) for college courses. The critical thinking chapter within the Student Success course provides an overview of critical thinking, videos, infographs, checklists, activities, quizzes, and links for additional resources.

The Nizkor Project - Fallacies

The Nizkor Project website provides descriptions and examples of 30 logical fallacies. Each fallacy is appropriately and sufficiently described without becoming overbearing. The examples are short and direct.

Teach-nology | Critical Thinking Worksheets

Teach-nology offers a categorized collection of Critical Thinking worksheets. This site has many advertisements, but the 16 categories each contain 20 or more activities and worksheets. Some of these resources are lower-level, which makes this site extremely useful to ESOL and College Preparatory teachers and students.| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6350 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6350 ext. 3306