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QEP - Thinking and Beyond

Resources for Information Literacy

San Jacinto College recognizes a connection between critical thinking and information literacy, and that students significantly improve their critical thinking skills by mastering information literacy skills. While no single commonly accepted definition of information literacy exists, learning experts often describe it as the ability to find and evaluate information for an ad hoc purpose or to equip the learner to take part in society. In an educational setting, these outcomes assume the intervention of a mentor such as a faculty or staff member, often a librarian.

Librarians at San Jacinto College evaluate information literacy using data collected from, a website that allows students to chat online with librarians for help with their research. This indirect instruction service provides an ongoing resource for students who need just-in-time assistance regarding research methods, academic citation, and the availability of library resources. Librarians directly teach information literacy during bibliographic instruction, which can take place in both formal and informal settings, as well as during chat sessions.

Librarians use a rubric developed by the American Library Association’s Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) to evaluate the level of information literacy a student demonstrates during a chat session. Users and librarians type chat queries and responses, and the libraries archive the chat session transcripts. The Steering Committee expects that a student’s critical thinking skills and level of information literacy will increase as a result of the student’s interaction with library staff.

The district libraries offer a variety of instructional services designed to integrate information literacy into the curricula and to facilitate students' acquisition of critical thinking and information-seeking skills. Library instruction is one of the best ways to introduce students to the library and develop research skills. Students who have the skills to find, evaluate, and use information are more successful in their classrooms and will be more successful life-long learners. 

Campus librarians are available for information literacy sessions throughout the year. Library instruction sessions range from a first time tour of the library to in-depth research tutorials, and can be customized for any course subject. The majority of instruction lasts about 45-60 minutes and takes place in the library, though class visits can also be arranged. 

Here are a few topics librarians can cover in a library instruction session:

  • How to utilize the library catalog to locate books and media,
  • How to navigate databases,
  • How to create search terms and use Boolean operators,
  • How to distinguish between popular/scholarly and primary/secondary materials,
  • Services available within the library (Copying, printing, scanning, reserves, etc...),
  • Citation help, and
  • Library tours.

Contact Information

Call, email, or visit us to schedule a library tour and instruction session:

North Campus
Chad Clark or
Karyn Jones
  Central Campus  
John Brower
South Campus
       Lynda De Los Santos       
  281-998-6150, x3307| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6350 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6350 ext. 3306