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Topic Selection
You should select one of the following articles. These articles are available in blackboard under the Paper’s tab. Once you have selected your topic, see the appropriate tab in the box below for help finding further information on your topic.
Research Tools
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the act of whistleblowing, or the privacy of whistleblowers? You could look into the My Lai massacre specifically or war crimes in general.
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the constitutional act of impeachment? You could look into the case of Donald J. Trump specifically, or William J. Clinton, Richard Nixon, or Andrew Johnson.
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the climate change in general, climate change as evidenced by large fires? You could look into many aspects of climate change such as melting polar ice, changing weather patterns, intense heat.
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the trade war with China, the interference of government in farming? You could look into many aspects of government interference in trade and the stock markets.
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the claiming of minority status by whites, the awarding of contracts based on assumed minority status? You could look into many aspects of how these contracts are awarded and how minority status is proved and the privacy that may or may not be invaded in doing so.
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
Blue Sky Days by Tomas van Houstrye
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the use of drones in daily life, or perhaps the use of drones by the military? You could look into many aspects of using drones, such as issues involving privacy, automation, surveillance, or war.
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
privacy and surveillance
surveillance and war
drones and privacy
drones and war
You can use the websites and databases below to conduct your research:
Collective Punishment in Gaza by Rashid Khalidi
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the UN resolutions regarding the Palestinians and Gaza and how effective or ineffective Israel has been in observing those resolutions? Are you going to report on whether international law is a powerful enough deterrent to prohibit abuse? Are you going to investigate the American relationship with Israel and Palestine?
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
You can use the databases below for your search.
Back on the Chain Gang: The New/Old prison labor paradigm by Abby Stein
Read the above article carefully and decide how you wish to approach the topic. Are you going to address the almost free use of prison labor by large corporations? Or are you going to examine the ethics of a system that uses prisoners as a labor force? Perhaps you could investigate the cost savings involved in having prisoners grow their own food, sew their own clothes, etc.?
Suggested Search Terms (include the word AND as well as quotation marks where indicated):
Use these websites and databases for your search:
https://www.sanjac.edu/library| Central Library: 281-476-1850 | Generation Park Campus: 281-998-6350 x8133 | North Library: 281-459-7116 | South Library: 281-998-6350 ext. 3306